Yen Kai - MEd, CPF, CALC, MNLP
English language

Yen Kai has over 15 years of training, OD and facilitation experience with corporates, Not-For-Profit, and government bodies. His domestic clients include the Ministry of Education, Economic Development Board, FoolProof, StarHub, Zenxin, Sanofi, FJ Benjamin, Domino Pizza, and Avocent/Datum Struck. Yen Kai dedicated much of his time to the deep-learning about facilitation and intra-personal work. He is skilled in content, process, and experiential learning facilitation. These competencies made his delivery of the workshop engaging, dynamic and insightful. His endeavors into intra-personal work brought him into various fields in NLP, Integral Coaching, Action Learning Coaching, Ontology and Gestalt. He also graduated from two esteemed Organization Development Courses with NTL Europe and iGOLD Centre USA. These courses further his understanding
of intra-personal work at the group and system levels.